Once a card has been acquired, it becomes accessible via the journal as a little heart icon superimposed on the character image frame for each time there has been an encounter. with covered or lacking nipples and buttocks, but with the release of the Director's Cut patch uncensored cards are now available in North America without the use of modifications. Originally, the North American edition of the game had the more prudish versions of the cards, i.e. These cut scenes all open showing a hazy red closeup of Geralt leaning in suggestively to make love to an NPC.
Each card is initially presented during a 'romantic cut scene'. These cards are reminiscent of early 20th century novelty 'naughty' postcards. Whenever Geralt sleeps with a female character (or NPC) in the game, you collect a romance card. Romance cards (also called sexcards) within The Witcher are a trophy of sorts which can be collected over the course of the game.